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Authenticity is Cool

Authenticity is MAD Cool!

May 09, 20234 min read

“The Universe cannot resist Authenticity.” - Danielle Laporte

This concept is MAD cool, does anyone even say MAD anymore as a form of things being “exceptionally cool”!? I’m guessing not.

authenticity, sunflower, best life, confidence, friends

Well, no matter what the new fad is this season I look forward to doing things that are authentic to me and not spending a minute of my time worrying if I'm being “cool” ... A pattern I have fallen into all too many times unfortunately.

It’s so easy these days to fall into doing things to just fit in even when it doesn’t feel good to us. Whether it’s getting that job your family always expected you to have or feeling the pressure to have kids because you aren’t getting any younger, the list goes on and on.

BUT saying NO to the things that don’t light you up can be a great way to start getting back on your authentic path.

Have you heard people talk about authenticity and think, yeah yeah, I’m being myself or maybe you feel like what's all the authentic hype, I'm over here doing what I learned and what was expected of me and haven’t really taken the time to examine if what I’m doing is actually authentic.

No matter where you currently fall there is always time to take a step back and look at where you can be more authentic. Being authentic means, you actually KNOW your personal beliefs so your words and actions can reflect your values with ease.

With that in mind, you can stay more authentic if you stick to the following 7 states of mind: ✨🧠

1. Calm

 Do you feel calm, if not there is usually something that needs to be addressed and processed. When we are in a calm state, we can move through the world with peace.

2. Curiosity

Getting curious about your life is a great way to check in on your beliefs and where they stem from. Why do you do they things you do, where did you learn about them and how do they make you feel. Get curious about your friendships and they people you spend time with too.

3. Connection

Do you have connections in your life that are lighting you up? Do you have a safe person to be around and to open up with and let loose? Finding a like-minded community can truly change your life. Also, building a spiritual connection that you feel good about can help you show up more authentically too. Join the Magnetic Millennials here.

4. Compassion

Having self-compassion is such a big part of allowing your authenticity to shine. Once you see you may have been doing things that weren't right for you, you may have the tendency to beat yourself up for feel guilty about it, but as Maya Angelou says: "when you know better, you do better." Give yourself grace and move forward.

5. Confidence

Do you feel confident in your life and know you can handle anything that comes your way? Building confidence takes time but the best way to gain it is to take aligned action and move through your fear one step at a time. The more you do something, the more confidence you will feel.

6. Courageous

Being courageous is similar to confidence as you have to move through your fears to get to the other side. When you can look at what is keeping you from being courageous you can debunk the blocks standing in your way. Be careful not to stay in your comfort zone too long as you may find yourself stepping away from your authenticity even more.

7. Clarity

Clarity is best found with a journal, asking what I like, what do I need more of in my life, when do I find I'm in a state of joy. Finding clarity can really direct our lives in the right direction and not waist preciouses time with the "I don't knows" of life.

authentic, joy, clarity, connection, courageous, calm, confident, compassion

If you’re struggling with self-confidence, stress, or anxiety then you’ll want to REGISTER for the FREE Mini Course...

...SO THAT YOU can get the simple strategy I use for implementing everything from your CORE beliefs, to help you feel like everything you do is your MOST authentic choice and decision AND ultimately lead you to have high self-worth and more inner peace!

Um... I WISH I had this road map as I grew into my thirties!

Being authentic is a choice, we are born authentic but over time family, society and peers can shape us to abandon our true self and I'm so excited, actually MAD excited to show you there is a better way!

Until next week...

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Brittany Cessar

Hi, I am Brittany, the founder of Magnetic Mermaid and creator of The Journey Back to Wild and Rooted; the gentle path for women approaching thirty who suffer from stress and anxiety but long to live authentically. I have a passion for encouraging women, especially young millennials, to be true to their nature and embrace all parts of themselves. A journey that I am still on everyday as well. I feel when we have self-love and self-compassion first, we can then start to spread our love out to the world around us. I can help you break through the emotional and mental blocks that seem to be holding you back and leaving you feeling stuck and full of stress.

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