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Comparison isn’t always bad 😱

May 09, 20232 min read

Comparison is supposedly the thief of joy right!?

Like, when we sit and scroll our social media and start to compare ourselves to other women (that honestly are only showing their highlight reel anyway) but this can create jealousy and envy and ultimately leave you feeling inferior or less than…

What if I told you comparison doesn’t have to be this way?

What? How? 🤔🧐

When I learned that I could use jealousy and envy to my advantage everything started to change for me… I’m guessing you still want to know how..

😉 So a few years ago I would look at my Instagram feed and see all these women doing things and being places I wanted to be, especially when they lived by the ocean 🌊 and could walk the beach every day of their life! This has been a dream of mine since I was a child. Like how come they can have what they want, how come they are living their #bestlife and I was stuck, land locked in the middle of the country??

Okay, are you ready for the magic 🪄 of jealousy and envy? When we have these FEELINGS, they are telling you something, they are asking you to listen inside yourself.

Is your soul asking you to change what you are doing? Is your soul desperately asking you to listen to YOUR heart and take steps towards your dreams?

These women on Instagram were just showing me that it is possible, that what I want that they have is something attainable and if they can do it so can I!

Now it takes a few times to start to look at these things in this light but once you master seeing how these people are just “Expanding” you (as Lacy Phillips would say) you can stop feeling bad about yourself and start asking -how did they get there? What steps did they take, what aligned action steps do I need to take to put myself in that position too?

To complete my story...

comparison, envy, jealously, confidence, manifesting

My best friend moved across the country to the beach and showed me exactly how to do it...So instead of being jealous she got to do it, I learned how it was possible for me too! We now both live in our dream homes about 15 mins from the ocean and honestly just a few years ago I would have never thought it was possible for me!

So, are you even a little bit excited to feel envy now when you end up in comparison? These things might just be messages leading you closer to what you want! 🎉

Have you applied for The Journey Back to Wild & Rooted yet? Inside the application is my FREE confidence meditation you will want to snag right away if any of this has resonated with you! Apply Now!

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Brittany Cessar

Hi, I am Brittany, the founder of Magnetic Mermaid and creator of The Journey Back to Wild and Rooted; the gentle path for women approaching thirty who suffer from stress and anxiety but long to live authentically. I have a passion for encouraging women, especially young millennials, to be true to their nature and embrace all parts of themselves. A journey that I am still on everyday as well. I feel when we have self-love and self-compassion first, we can then start to spread our love out to the world around us. I can help you break through the emotional and mental blocks that seem to be holding you back and leaving you feeling stuck and full of stress.

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