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Flower Essence

Stressed? Anxious? Maybe A Gentle Hug from Flower Energy will Help

May 09, 20233 min read

“Saying, I am stressed, is an overall general feeling that actually covers up our ability to claim our deeper emotions and how we are truly feeling.” - Brittany Cessar

Are you feeling stressed?

Today over 17 million adults suffer from depression in the United States alone, while anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness.

girl stressed anxious overwhelmed depressed

Statistics show that almost 1 in 5 people in the US suffer from an anxiety disorder. There are a couple of reasons people suffering from these disorders are having trouble healing. First, the current clinical treatments for these two illnesses are a medication that will suppress the symptoms of the emotional imbalance and ignore the underlying condition or reason behind the anxiety or depression. Secondly, there is growing evidence that a negative mindset can continually make us ill and unhealthy. The study of mindset is being continually researched and showing outcomes that it starts to manifest in the body and affect our emotions.

With that said, here is a natural alternative to help support you in processing your deeper emotions with a Flower Remedy! 🌸

1. How is a Flower Remedy made?

A flower remedy is created by the imprinting of the flower energy into spring water by the transfer of sunlight. The flower is an especially important part of a plant, they are how the plant gets pollinated and continue their DNA far and wide. Due to their importance, flowers resonate at a high level and thus have such bright beautiful colors and scents. When taking a flower essence, the body’s energy tends to match the energy of the flower because we are made up of 70% water.

2. How does a Flower Remedy work?

Flower essences are a gentle alternative for individuals to explore their immediate emotional blocks; they can even be surprised by what they discover. A flower remedy will work with the energy in the body and allow the rebalancing of emotions to happen over a few weeks. These remedies can lead to a healing process where we spend more time digging into our past and finding the core of our emotional beliefs. By healing from the core, we can truly let go of what beliefs are not serving us and move on to a path of awareness.

3. My personal experience with Flower Remedies

I have been experimenting with these flower remedies for a few years and have experienced a change in my emotional blocks. I have concerns like self-confidence and fears of really being seen in the world. I have found by taking these remedies, they allow me to open and see where my fears stem from. In my childhood, I was bullied and never felt I could be my authentic self for fear of being judged. I now have more courage to work through the blocks and take baby steps in the right direction each day.

flower essence remedy custom blend stress anxiety

If you are feeling like myself, most people in America, and have stress, anxiety, and even depression you may benefit from the gentle hug of flower essence. Here at Magnetic Mermaid, we would be happy to help you create a personal flower blend to match your current emotional body. This is a perk of joining our online program The Journey back to Wild and Rooted. Learn more about this program and if it is a fit for you with our FREE mini course - Sign up here!

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Brittany Cessar

Hi, I am Brittany, the founder of Magnetic Mermaid and creator of The Journey Back to Wild and Rooted; the gentle path for women approaching thirty who suffer from stress and anxiety but long to live authentically. I have a passion for encouraging women, especially young millennials, to be true to their nature and embrace all parts of themselves. A journey that I am still on everyday as well. I feel when we have self-love and self-compassion first, we can then start to spread our love out to the world around us. I can help you break through the emotional and mental blocks that seem to be holding you back and leaving you feeling stuck and full of stress.

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