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comparison distracted

Confidence has always been the one thing that I could NOT master...

May 09, 20233 min read

“Confidence has always been the one thing that I could NOT master...” - Brittany Cessar

…The one thing that, no matter how hard I tried it seemed like anything or anyone could make me feel insecure and make me question if I was even on the right path.

I can remember this one night (although I had many more just like it), where I had been SO GOOD all week. Things were going my way, work was flowing, and I was feeling cute in my new outfit (even received a free coffee that day) but,

distracted confidence comparison stress anxiety

I was sitting on the coach on that Thursday night (yup...hadn’t even made it to Friday) and I started to scroll Instagram to find myself in comparison to these other models.

As I noticed what I was doing I tried to do alllll the things I could think of to distract myself from becoming negative at this moment and I’d even had my affirmations all over my home because I’d read that affirmations will keep you positive & confident (ya….right).

They didn’t work and I ended up falling into the comparison spiral. I was literally powerless to stop myself from scrolling and scrolling.

What’s the big deal? I was only going to check my feed for a little while.

2 hours later I was on a roll, an empty bottle of wine and I was sitting on my coach with tears running down my face, feeling a mixture of guilt, shame and so much anger at myself that I couldn’t be more like these other women in their 30’s, with their lives on track, looking so together!

Why did it always end up like this? Why did it look so easy for everyone else?

There HAD to be an explanation, and it became my MISSION to find out.

That one night changed everything for me, here are the 3 Culprits I found keeping us from our confidence! 🥷

1. My Subconscious Mind is Running the Show

 One thing I can share with you is your beliefs about yourself ARE NOT your fault! Once I learned that only 5% of my thoughts and actions were controlled by my Conscious Mind and the other 95% was controlled by my Subconscious Mind, it took the pressure off me and the feeling of being a failure!

2. Distractions were keeping me Stuck

I’m sure you may have experienced at least one or more of these popping up in your life that you use to distract yourself from your goals and dreams, your loves and hopes, your troubles and traumas and your deepest wishes to be your authentic self. We use television, social media, gaming, shopping, overeating or snacking, work, alcohol, drugs, sex, busyness, drama, perfectionism, obsessiveness, low self-esteem, and depression to avoid moving into wholeness because most of us haven't even been taught that we can be whole.

3. "Comparison is the Thief of Joy" - Theadore Rosevelt

We can find ourselves in shame cycles and feeling like we have to be what everyone else wants us to be. We get caught up trying to look perfect or putting ourselves down because we think we can’t compare to the other women on Instagram and are more that “take pictures of my plants not my booty” kind of Girl. The best part is that you are already you and you shine when you connect with yourself and give yourself grace.

subconscious mind, comparison, confidence

I know this journey has been a GAME CHANGER for me and now for so many of my clients, and it’s why I put together my FREE Mini Course.

Inside this free mini course you will learn my exact method for lowering stress and anxiety so you can ditch the weekly comparison and pressure to stay positive and instead GROW into your 30’s Authentically! I’ll show you how the mind works and how you can stop letting it control your thoughts and actions daily!

PS. If this has piqued your interest, click here to register for the FREE Mini Course Now!

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Brittany Cessar

Hi, I am Brittany, the founder of Magnetic Mermaid and creator of The Journey Back to Wild and Rooted; the gentle path for women approaching thirty who suffer from stress and anxiety but long to live authentically. I have a passion for encouraging women, especially young millennials, to be true to their nature and embrace all parts of themselves. A journey that I am still on everyday as well. I feel when we have self-love and self-compassion first, we can then start to spread our love out to the world around us. I can help you break through the emotional and mental blocks that seem to be holding you back and leaving you feeling stuck and full of stress.

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